Inside Black Holes
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A Black Hole |
inside Black holes are mysterious and bizarre objects within the
universe that haven't any explanation. Do we hardly know anything about what
lies inside of a black holes? The hole we know and understand what we see on
the outside of a black holes. But we have no way of going inside one to take a
look at what is happening. Even if we sent a probe inside a black holes, It
would not survive the journey And there would be no way that the probe could
transmit a sign outside once it had been sucked inside this is often because a
region is that the product of mass being squeezed together so densely and tightly that it creates a
gravitational pull. That is so strong that not even light can escape its grasp
Supermassive black holes with masses millions to billions of times that of the
Sun are thought to lurk at the hearts of all galaxies within the universe
you'll notice that once you see a photograph of a spiral nebula like the Milky
Way within the center of the galaxy may be a giant mass of light? Which many
people would think looks like a massive Sun, but this is not light coming from
the black hole itself Remember that life cannot escape the heavy gravitational
pull Instead the sunshine we see comes from magnetic fields near a spinning
region that propels electrons outward during a jet Along the rotation axis the
electrons produce bright radio waves Quasars are believed to supply their
energy from massive black holes within the center of the galaxies during which
the quasars are located But quasars are so bright they make noise the sunshine
from all the opposite stars within the same galaxy.
What is Quasar
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Quasar |
You're probably
asking well What's a quasar? A quasar is the short name for a quasi-stellar
object and is a very highly energetic object? Surrounding an actively feeding
supermassive region in additional basic terms the supermassive region within
the middle of a galaxy feeds intermittently because it feeds gas swirls around
it at incredible speeds and Forms an insanely bright hot orbiting disc and if
the region is swallowing an outsized amount of fabric this feeding is
accomplished by gigantic Jets of gas these are called quasar. They are
essentially fueled by the black holes. They orbit some supermassive black hole
giants release an extraordinarily Large amount of light when they rip apart
stars in devour matter and are likely the driving force behind these quasars.
When material gets too close to a black hole it forms that bright hot accretion
disk round the region. That accretion disk heats up to many degrees Blasting
out a huge amount of radiation. The magnetic environment round the region forms
twin Jets of fabric which effuse into space for many light years. This becomes
what's called a lively galactic nucleus or a GN the diet of known black holes
consists mostly of gas and mud which fill the otherwise empty space throughout
the universe. Black holes also can consume material torn from nearby stars
actually the most massive black holes can swallow stars whole Black holes also
can grow by colliding and merging with other black holes. This growth process
is what can and typically does reveal the presence of a black hole? But
supermassive black holes aren't always feeding if a black hole runs out of food
the Jets run out of power and shut down Right up until something gets too close
and the whole system starts up again the supermassive black hole at the center
of our Milky Way Galaxy is all out of food or space material to consume. It
lies completely dormant for the time being a sleeping giant, so it doesn't have
an active galactic nucleus And so there is no quasar emitting light however we
are on a collision course with another galaxy and in 10 billion years or so
when the Milky Way collides with the Andromeda galaxy Our supermassive black
hole may roar back to life as a quasar as it begins to consume part of this new
galaxy. Now it might sound like black holes are dangerous and that anything
that even remotely comes close to a black hole would get sucked inside and be
crushed and while it's true that if you manage to carefully drop an object into
a black hole you'd never get that object back, but black holes are actually
remarkably bad at pulling material close to them. There are a couple of reasons
for this one black holes aren't actually attractive to anything for any reason
other than gravity.
Black Holes Explained
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Black Hole |
Much like our solar system is in a stable orbits around the
Sun the vast majority of a galaxy is during a stable orbit round the region with
no real reason to go plunging towards the very center of the galaxy the second
reason that black holes are bad at being astronomical vacuum cleaners is that
they're Really inefficient at getting material close enough to them to cross
the event horizon and increase the mass of the region. Even small black holes
which exist in great numbers in the galaxy are much better at tearing a
companion star apart than they aren't actually growing their own size by
consuming the star hole. So, despite their reputation Black holes won't
actually suck in objects from large distances a region can only capture objects
that come very on the brink of it. They're more like venus flytraps than cosmic
vacuum cleaners for instance imagine replacing the Sun by a region of an
equivalent mass permanent darkness would fall on Earth but the planets would
continue to revolve round the region at an equivalent distance and speed as
they are doing now. None of the planets would be sucked into the region our
earth would be in danger only if it came within some 10 miles of the black hole
much less than the actual distance of the Earth from the Sun which is a
comforting 93 million miles away So after knowing all of this do we have any
idea, what is inside of a black hole? Current theories predict that all the
matter in a Black Holes is piled up in a single point at the center but we do
not understand how this central singularity works properly to understand the region center
requires a fusion of the idea of gravity with the idea that describes the
behavior of matter on the littlest scales called quantum physics. This unifying
theory has already been given a reputation quantum gravity, but how it works
remains unknown this is often one among the foremost important unsolved
problems in physics Studies of black holes may at some point provide the key to
unlock this mystery Einstein's theory of general theory of relativity allows
unusual characteristics for black holes, for instance , the central singularity
might form a bridge to a different universe. This is similar to a so-called
wormhole which is a mysterious solution of Einstein's equations that has no
event horizon? Bridges and wormholes might allow visit other universes or maybe
time travel, but without observational and experimental data this is often
mostly speculation We don't know whether bridges or wormholes exist in the universe
or could even have formed in principle by contrast black holes have been
observed to exist and we understand how they form What is inside of a black hole
remains a mystery?
So, does a region live forever if there's nothing for a
region to consume then no, in fact, a really surprising thing happens you would
possibly have heard of Stephen Hawking. He is a theoretical physicist in
cosmologists, and is at the forefront on the study of black holes. He came up
with a theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation. This, of course,
is now known as Hawking radiation reduces the mass and energy of black holes
and is therefore also known as black hole evaporation because of this region is
that don't gain mass through other means are expected to shrink and ultimately
vanish What it means is that if the black hole has nothing to eat it?
Eventually evaporates the energy and mass that the black hole pulled inside of
itself Evaporates back out into space in the form of radiation. It is almost as
if a black Hole is a universe recycling machine. Stephen Hawking proved this in
1974 by using the laws of quantum mechanics to study the region on the brink of
a region horizon. The scientific theory describes the behavior of matter on the
littlest scales, it predicts that tiny particles and lightweight are
continuously created and destroyed on subatomic scales some of the light thus,
created actually has a very small chance of escaping before it is destroyed to
an outsider It is as though the event horizon glows the energy carried away by
the glow decreases the black hole's mass until it is completely gone. This
surprising new insight show that there is still much to learn about black holes.
However, Hawking's glow is totally irrelevant for any of the black holes known
to exist within the universe. For them the temperature of the glow is almost
zero and therefore the energy loss is negligible. The time needed for the black
holes to lose much of their mass is unimaginably long however if much smaller
black holes ever existed within the universe Then Hawking's findings would are
catastrophic a region as massive as a cruise ship would disappear in a bright flash
in less than a second as you can see black holes are incredible and mysterious
things perhaps one day. We will know exactly what lies inside of a black Hole,
maybe we will find out that they are gates to another dimension such as
wormholes Or maybe we will never know and just come to simply accept their
existence as they are.
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ReplyDeleteGood one 👍