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God's particle Higgs Boson

God's particle Higgs Boson

God's particle Higgs Boson

    The story behind the God's particle Higgs Boson is related to mass. But first we have to                  understand. what is mass?
    In technical terms mass is the measurement a body's inertia. In easy word we can describe it as,if a body is at rest or in motion ,when you try to change its state you certainly feels a resistive force from the body that resistive force is called mass. For example, when you try to push a train forward you experience its mass. If still you haven't understood  the concept of mass then let's make it more easy to understand. as we know any particle which has no mass can achieve the speed of light in vacuum like photons. In easy words we can conclude that anything which cannot achieve the speed of light have some mass.

Mass and Weight difference

Mass and Weight difference

   Before moving further, please remember do not compare mass and weight(Mass and Weight difference)because they are two different things . In weight gravity plays a major role but in mass doesn't have any relation with gravity. In further detail, if same particle is situated in different planets the weight of that particle will be different in every single planets it means it depends upon where you are but mass remains as it is made up with its constituent particle. God's particle Higgs Boson  is very much depended on mass. To understand this, first we have to understand. 

What is Quarks & what are quarks made up of?

      A quark is a type of elementary particle and fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine to form composite particle called hadrons, the most stable of which are protons and neutrons(what are quarks made up of), the component of atomic nucleiGod's particle Higgs Boson  theory is very much explained using quarks.

why is the higgs boson called the god particle

     The question here is, why is the higgs boson called the god particle and how all the particle in this universe get  mass. Another question arises that when quarks and electrons have mass then why photons doesn't have that. In 1960's, physicist studied the elementary particle and gave a conclusion in the form of mathematical expression by which they can study the particle more accurately but this equation bothered then even more as when they assume that all the elementary particles like electron  & quarks are mass less, then the equation gets solved easily and the prediction based upon this solve equation will also be true and many a times they are experimentally verified but physicist knows that electron and quarks have mass that's why when they try to solve the equation by putting  value to it, the equation become more complex and inconsistent to solve. Physics did not getting how it is happening and  what is the remedy to it. God's particle Higgs Boson is associated with Peter Higgs
By sensing the gravity of the situation a scientist name Peter Higgs a physicist and gave his new theory in which he tells about the Higgs field or higgs Boson


God's particle Higgs Boson
Peter Higgs

      Let's understand this theory(God's particle Higgs Boson). In this universe or anywhere or in any timeline have fields not particles which we can't able to see. For example electron field ,quark field ,electric field & gravitational field etc. By giving energy to the field we get particles or if we extract energy from this field the particles gets distoryed. If we give energy to electron fiel we get electrons and same with the case of quarks
. These fields are interconnected and interact with each other. Peter Higgs(The man who discovered God's particle Higgs Boson) thinks that like these fields there is another field called Higgs field. which like all the other field it also exist into this universe. By giving energy to this field we get Higgs Boson. By his thinking all the elementary particles like electrons & quarks are mass less. When they interact with this field they get mass.
     You may probably wonder that how it's happening. Before entering into the Higgs field all the elementary particle are mass less which means electron, quarks and protons are going to be mass less. But when they enters into this field some of the particle interact more to this field and get more mass and some interact less with this field so they get less mass. Electrons interact less with this field but at the same time quarks interact little more so they get more mass.
     If you still not able to understand this concept understand this(God's particle Higgs Boson) by a simple example. 
     Let's assume that, there is a party going on anywhere and all the persons present in that party are physicist and they are discussing on some serious physics topics. Now let's consider suddenly an accountant enters into the room, all the people in the surrounding doesn't bother about this person & he easily approach to the bar counter. But if Albert Einstein enters into the same room  then all the physicist gather around him like a cloud due to this, to approach the same bar counter he takes little more time. Consider all the physicist as Higgs field and the accountant as photon and Einstein as quarks.
    In 1964, Peter Higgs(God's particle Higgs Boson) published this theory through a journal. But this theory did not get any emphasis because the people doesn't digested any invisible field can give mass to any particle

      But Peter didn't let his guard down and published his theory through several journals. Some physicist get convinced by his theory due to which his theory gets support by more & more physicist.



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