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Aerogels          Definatin :-  Gel  consists a microporous solid in which the diffuse phase is a gas .       A erogel  is a artificial porous ultralight material derived from a gel, in which the liquid element for the gel has been replaced with a gas. The result is a solid with extremely low density and extremely low thermal conductivity. Sobriquet involves  frozen smoke, solid smoke, solid air, solid cloud, blue smoke owing to its pellucid nature and the way light breaks up  in the material DISCOVERY     A erogel was first built by  Samuel Stephens   Kistler  in 1931 , as a outcome of a bet  with Charles Learned over who could put back the liquid in "jellies" with gas without creating shrinkage. Manufacturer         E ven though manufacturing  more   Aerogel  at a time would escort its price down, the operation and materials solo come with a elevated price tag of about $1.00 per cubic centimeter. At about $23,000 per pound,  Aerogel

God's particle Higgs Boson

God's particle Higgs Boson       The story behind the God's particle Higgs Boson  is related to mass. But first we have to                  understand. what is mass?     In technical terms mass is the measurement a body's inertia. In easy word we can describe it as,if a body is at rest or in motion ,when you try to change its state you certainly feels a resistive force from the body that resistive force is called mass. For example, when you try to push a train forward you experience its mass. If still you haven't understood  the concept of mass then let's make it  more easy to understand. as we know any particle which has no mass can achieve the speed of light in vacuum like photons. In easy words we can conclude that anything which cannot achieve the speed of light have some mass. Mass and Weight difference    Before moving further, please remember do not compare mass and weight (Mass and Weight difference) because they are two different

This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe

This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe               The whole world, nay the whole universe ( This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe ) is made of matter. Everything. You, me, pizza, black holes, puppies, dark matter. Everything. But there’s also this little thing called antimatter. Around the turn of the last century, Einstein was working on the theory of relativity and other physicists were trying to figure out how the tiniest parts of our universe worked -- this is called quantum theory. This was all done with math. Lots of maths . Science Behind Antimatter Paul Dirac The Science Behind Antimatter , a t one point a physicist named Paul Dirac realized… X2(square) = 4 has two answers. Two. AND Negative two. This means, if matter is the two, there must be some kind of opposite to fit with the negative two. Physicists called this opposite antimatter. The reason you don’t see antimatter around, is because if it were to pop