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11 dimensions explained simply

11 dimensions explained simply

11 dimensions explained simply
    This is what a cube would appear as if within the 4th dimension. It also has its name, a Tesseract. However, by seeing this image you can't claim that you simply experienced the 4th dimension because it's represented in our 3-dimensional universe(11 dimensions explained simply), on a 2-dimensional screen, in your 1-dimensional brain. But what if I told you, our Universe is formed from not 3, but 11, or maybe 26 dimensions? We’ll speak about that in a second. First of all, a minimum of to imagine, how a 4th-dimensional object would appear as if , we've to form an analogy using our 3-dimensions.

     Suppose that somewhere there's a 2-dimensional universe, with 2- dimensional beings living there on . They can only move on two axes. Now imagine that you simply take your hand, and pass it through their world. As their line of sight is merely a 1-dimensional line, as your hand progresses through their world, they're going to see the tip of your fingers appearing, then the remainder of your hand slowly coming in. They would constantly see only an infinitely small division of your hand, like their 1-dimensional line of sight. Those beings would consider your hand as a shape-changing 2-dimensional object. Just as an MRI scan views your brain. Now imagine that somebody from the 4th dimension involves our 3-dimensional space, and puts his hand through. Let’s say it’s not a hand, but a tesseract. As it would pass through our 3D space, we would see it shape-changing, just like our hand did, but differently. 

Simple Explanation of 4th Dimension

simple explanation of 4th dimension

     It gets even more awesome if we consider that point is that the 4th dimension. Then, the 4D object would be able to control his time. If he were a living being, he could change his age at will, even as we could move our hand through the 2-dimensional world at will. Okay, but let’s get back into our universe. Remember I said that it has more than 3 dimensions? And probably a lot more. The m-theory which unifies all the superstring(11 dimensions explained simply) theories, says that our universe is formed from 3 spatial dimensions that we are all conversant in , one-time dimension, and 6 more small spatial dimensions. According to the string theory, these 6 additional dimensions would have very interesting properties. If we count the 4th dimension being the time than the 5th dimension would allow us to travel through all the parallel universes that had an equivalent initial coordinates as ours. The 6th one would allow us to travel in time in any of these universes. In the seventh dimension, you'll visit any possible world, regardless of of their initial coordinates. On the 8th we could travel in time in all those universes. In the ninth dimension, we will compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the various possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension, we reach the purpose during which everything possible and imaginable is roofed . Beyond this, nothing are often imagined by you, mortals, which makes it the natural limitation of what we will conceive in terms of dimensions. I swear, I didn’t make this up. But, where are they and why can’t we observe any of these dimensions?  
   Imagine there's a really long rope stretched between 2 mountains. You sit 1 kilometer away from it, and you know an ant walking on the rope. Because of the very long distance, the rope seems to be a one-dimensional line, with the only length, as its width would be unnoticeable. If you were asked to offer the ant’s coordinates on the rope, you'd be ready to say just one piece of knowledge , the space between the ant and the end of the rope. But in reality, we know that the rope does have a thickness, even though it is hard to see from one kilometer away. Take a pair of binoculars and you'll observe the second and third dimensions of the rope. The same thing goes for the other 6 spatial dimensions in our universe. They are on such alittle scale, that they're indistinguishable from the traditional 3 dimensions.

Calabi-Yau Manifold

Calabi-Yau Manifold
Calabi-Yau Manifold

These extra dimensions can be represented in the form of a Calabi-Yau manifold, I don’t know wtf is this, don’t ask me to explain it. But again, why don’t we simply take a microscope and observe them? As I said, they seem on a really small scale, called the Planck scale, and that we aren't ready to look so deep within the fabric of the space. Check out this other video explaining the Planck distance. So yeah, if the existence of the 11 dimensions(11 dimensions explained simply) seems to be true we might be ready to build wormholes, black holes and meet god. Well, not really, but it would still be pretty awesome! So yeah, that’s it for this article,don’t forget to share and like


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