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This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe

This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe

This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe
     The whole world, nay the whole universe(This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe) is made of matter. Everything. You, me, pizza, black holes, puppies, dark matter. Everything. But there’s also this little thing called antimatter. Around the turn of the last century, Einstein was working on the theory of relativity and other physicists were trying to figure out how the tiniest parts of our universe worked -- this is called quantum theory. This was all done with math. Lots of maths.

Science Behind Antimatter

Science Behind Antimatter
Paul Dirac
The Science Behind Antimatter, at one point a physicist named Paul Dirac realized… X2(square) = 4 has two answers. Two. AND Negative two. This means, if matter is the two, there must be some kind of opposite to fit with the negative two. Physicists called this opposite antimatter. The reason you don’t see antimatter around, is because if it were to pop into existence and hit regular matter -- the twos would cancel each other out and disappear in a burst of energy called an annihilation. You probably know that all matter is made of protons and electrons. Their antimatter opposites are called antiprotons and positrons. A proton is a positive heavy particle an antiproton is a negative heavy particle. Electrons are light and negative, positrons are light and positive. Again, because of their opposite-ness, if they touch, BOOM. Gone. But we’ll come back to that.

Antimatter Annilation Galor

    Even though they have these opposite charges.  In theory, antimatter should be the same as matter. After The Big Bang, the universe should have created equal amounts of matter and antimatter. But there’s not really any antimatter around. Because, in the first second after the Big Bang, all the matter and antimatter in the newborn universe found each other and BAM! ANNIHILATIONS GALORE. All the antimatter disappeared in bursts of energy, leaving behind just… matter. No one knows why the Big Bang made more matter than antimatter.

CERN( LHC(Large Hadron Collider))

CERN( LHC(Large Hadron Collider))
Large Hadron Collider
    But these scientists are making antimatter to find out more about it… this facility creates antimatter using the particle beams at CERN we convert protons into antiprotons CERN is the Center for European Nuclear Research, we went there last year, and it’s where the Large Hadron Collider lives. This Antimatter Factory takes protons shooting along the LHC and converts them to antihydrogen -- the antimatter version of hydrogen. Then Dr. Bertsche and his team trap the antihydrogen to study it. We know a lot about hydrogen, so we want to see how antihydrogen might be different. But remember, you can’t let antimatter touch matter, ever. (This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe)No air, no fancy containers… nothing that’s made of matter. So, the scientists use magnetic fields to hold the antihydrogen inside this trap. They behave like little tiny refrigerator magnets and consequently we basically have to arrange a magnetic field geometry that looks kind of like a bathtub. So, the antihydrogen atoms basically sit in a magnetic bathtub or magnetic bottle. But it's really actually physically shaped like a bathtub. it's about the size of sort of a two liter coke bottle. The magnetic bathtub is called a Penning-Malmberg trap. The magnetic field keeps the antihydrogen from hitting the walls of the trap and annihilating -- because remember, no touch matter. Powerful magnets and lasers force the antihydrogen to get stuck inside the magnetic field like a piece of candy in a bowl. Once they’ve trapped the antimatter, the scientists at the Factory can learn things about this mysterious mirror of our universe’s matter. For example, what color it is… it’s pink. We have reason to believe that there's some difference that we don't understand yet between matter and antimatter If I had a glass bowl full of hydrogen gas, I could make like a neon lamp. If you had a antihydrogen lamp it would be a sort of pinkish purplish color. Disappointingly, antimatter isn’t some kind of miracle form of matter. It doesn’t have antigravity, it doesn’t do… well, anything different.

Is Antimatter Dangerious

Is Antimatter Dangerious

       If you could build an antimatter table, it would just… be a table. That is weird, right? What if -- in those few hot moments after the Big Bang -- the universe was completely made of antimatter? Would it feel exactly the same? I mean, think about it. If antimatter and matter are exactly the same. Then what is the difference? If the whole universe was made of antimatter we’d just call that matter. And what we think of as matter would be called antimatter. All the things we call positive are just relative! All the charges are relative to our experience with our universe which arbitrarily is made of matter. Physics get’s really weird when you get right down to it. In the end, an antimatter universe -- based on everything we know, would look and feel exactly the same as our own. But more research is needed. Scientists trapped antimatter for the first time in 2010. Now, just a few short years later, they’ve learned to trap more than a dozen antiatoms at a time over and over again! WoooooooooooOOoOOoo Antimatter has been held by experiments here for many many months and indeed one of the experiments has a collection of antiprotons that they grabbed onto some time early last year and they've actually still have the same antiprotons that they've had the whole time

      They want to hold onto it so they can keep testing it. But even still, after a bit they have to let the antimatter go. Then it annihilates and disappears. But even though annihilation sounds like a big, violent, terrible, thing… it’s actually kind of like a … The scientists see some gamma radiation, and that’s all she wrote. Practically speaking, CERN has only made 10 nanograms of antimatter. Ever. All the energy from annihilating it, could only power one light bulb for, 4 hours. And to make that antimatter takes a billion times more energy than what we get back from annihilating it. There’s not a lot of practical applications for this antimatter research yet… but… Antimatter is actually commonly used in a lot of medical techniques such as a positron emission tomography. Also called a PET scan, it’s used for cancer diagnoses. Look, Star Trek famously traveled the universe using engines that ran on matter-antimatter reactions. But, based on what we know of antihydrogen, whether we could do that is a big old shrug. At the moment, almost a century after it was first theorized, antimatter research is still in its infancy, but thanks to Dr. Bertsche and dozens of grad students and scientists around the world, maybe someday we’ll know more. The antimatter factory make their antiprotons using the Large Hadron Collider. But do you even know what the Large Hadron Collider is? We went there. Check it out here, it's going to blow your mind. How do you guys feel about physics with no practical application? Boring or incredible? Tell us in the comments, please subscribe for more Seeker and thank you so much for watching.


  1. So, anti matter has gravitons, and qualities and characteristics of mass, which dont disappear. Annihilation is a misnomer. Nothing is missing from the universe, it is just transferred to impressions upon the one dimensional strings of the universal substrate of energy potential, impressions which retain characteristics of mass such as inertia. The cosmological constant changes as a result of stretching the fabric of subspace to the point that the impressions providing characteristics of mass become too far apart and so lose the organization which was still providing said characteristics of mass, or gravitational field potential. Nothing gained, nothing really missing. Big fizz!

  2. I understand the nature of anti matter and see that at leadt one fundamental particle (the electron) has an anti matter partner. What about the rest of the field? Are there anti quarks, anti muons, and anti gluons? The laws of physics obviously operate within the standard model for anti from what we curremtly know so if there are anti subatomic particles then it stands to reason that there is (or was) anti gravity but it would just function as normal gravity unless two of its particles (while we observing them tonbe particles of course) were to collide. And I actually just answered my own question from above when I remembered my Feyman Diagrams with an anti nutrino spinning off.. lol...


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