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Strangelets | The Strange Matter

The Strange Matter    Neutron stars are the densest things that aren't black holes. In their cores, we'd find the foremost dangerous substance in existence: Strange matter . A bizarre thing so extreme, that it bends the principles of the universe and will infect and destroy everything it comes into contact with or it could teach us about how the universe began. Maybe both. to know how extreme strange matter really is, we first got to get a couple of basics.    what's a star , and the way does strange matter break the principles of the universe? to urge all of this into one article, we'll grossly oversimplify a couple of things, but we'll provide you with further reading if you would like more details. A star is what remains after a really massive star explodes during a supernova. When this happens, the star's core collapses under its own gravity with such a robust inward force that it squeezes nuclei and particles together violently. Electrons are pushed into
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How Gravity Works? | Can it cause Spacetime Distribution.

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This Is The Only Place Antimatter Can Survive In The Universe

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