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           One of the thing that makes graphene cool is that it is the thinnest material that you can imagine. it's just one atom thick. It means this material is mathematical 2-dimensional and you can still holds its single atom in your hand.
              Doesn't that blow your mind!
              it has the same carbon structure is the graphite you use everyday when you draw or write with your pencil. But at the same time 0.3 inches of graphite= 3 million of graphene layer.



            They were examining how efficient graphene is as transistor. The story goes that graphene appear thanks to sticky tape! They stuck this tape  to a piece of graphite and pulled free a single layer of material this left them graphene


    Graphene used to be very expensive in manufacturing. It cost a huge $1100 to produce enough graphene to cover a head of a pin.

However, you can buy 0.35 Oz of graphene for $1000 due to the optimised method of production specialist expect the price of the substance to reduce even more. It may eventually became as low as the cost of raw material graphite.

     Graphene is very stretchy. it can stretch as much as 25% of its length. This material is also very stiff eventually it's the hardest material people know about it even harder than diamonds, and that say a lot!
       In fact, nothing less than an elephant balancing on sharp pencil will be able to pierce graphene.

       Despite being two dimensional , bracing can steel be seen! The single layer of atom is perfectly visible to the naked eye.
       One more great thing about graphene is its relationship with electricity. This material carries electricity more quickly, more precisely and more efficient efficiently than any other material. The reason is the current density of graphene is many million times better than  of copper.
       one more quality that scientist find very interesting is that it expand when it cools and shrinks when it warms. There is no other material behave like this. All other material to actually do opposite to this.

Uses of Graphene

       Graphene  can function as ideal gas detector. At the same time while atoms have difficulty is getting through graphene, there is nothing simpler for electron. According to PROFESSOR GEIM, that make this material perfect for conducting experiment in higher aspect of quantum physics.
        This research is intended to find out how graphene can alter the very principles of the in electronics, health, construction and energy sectors.

-->Drinkable ocean water.

 Graphene may be the answer to the water crisis as many countries are facing. If we make membranes from graphene would be able to let through while filtering out salt at the same time, this will be a revolution in de-saltification technology. In 2018 ,scientists made sea water drinkable after just a single use of a particular form of refrain called "Graphaire" .

     One of the scientist said this technology can make any water Drinkable no matter how dirty it is.

--> Super Strong Body Armour

    1 layer of  graphene is enough ,can you imagine what you could achieve with 2- layers of this super material. Nothing short of Incredibly Strong Body Armour. Researches from Georgia tech have recently demonstrated how 2-atoms layer of graphene manage to remain intact.

--> Healthcare

   Scientist of the university of Illinois have determined that graphene can assist in detecting cancerous cell in the body.
    Resources from university of Texas have invented a temporary tattoos which are based on graphene. They can keep track of a person's vitals, including thin layer of hydration and skin temperature.

--> Recharging gadgets

     New battery is based on graphene will be able to recharge incredibly quickly. It will be possibly for them to go from empty to full in just 15 minutes.
     They can be charged more than 3500 times! That's pretty impressive in comparison with regular battery.

--> Flexible Smartphone Display

      Introduce its States to use graphene in gadget manufacturing, we might end up with flexible smartphone. One of graphene's main property is its flexibility. Electronics based on graphene technology will inherit this trait.

--> Glowing Wallpapers

Graphene maybe the reason why light bulb become a thing of the past.

   Thin glowing wallpaper with graphene-based technology will provide pleasant and adjustable light. In adding such lightning will also be much energy efficient than modern light bulbs.

--> A No-Rust World

      Graphene is practically impressive. Just one coating of graphene based paint will be able to prevent corrosion.
       Copper plates covered with small paints may even be used as contain to hold extreme acids.

--> Safe- Hair dying

      Graphene can be used in beauty industry as well. It will be the perfect alternative to  permanent hair dyes, most of which are still toxic and damaging to hair. 
        Graphene can be used in beauty industry as well. It will be the perfect alternative to  permanent hair dyes, most of which are still toxic and damaging to hair.
       In, 2018, scientist from Northwestern university found out that graphene can be as efficient as permanent hair dyes . Without the need for toxic molecular ingredients. Unlike other hair dyer, graphene has anti- bacterial , thermal- dissipation and antistatic quality. The expert sprayed a gel based on graphene oxide onto blonde hair. It was left for 10 minutes. The hair ended up being covered with a graphene thin film that was only 2 microne thick.


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