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Monitor is an output device that shows information in photographical form. Monitor usually involves the visual display, circuit, casing, and power supply. Monitor were used for data processing while television sets were used for entertainment purposes.The common aspect ratio of televisions, and monitors, has changed from 4:3 to 16:10, to 16:9. Now a days new types of aspect ratio has introduced into the market like 18:9, 21:9 etc. varies from spes of the panels.

However modern monitors are simply interchangeable with ordinary television sets but monitors do not necessarily include integrated speakers. 



Early electric computer were fitted with a panel of light bulb where the state of each distinct bulb would specify the on/off condition of a certain register bit inside the computer. As technology developed engineers perceive that the output of a CRT display was more workable than a panel of light bulbs and finally, by giving control of what was displayed in the program itself, the monitor itself became a well built output device in its own right..


There are mainly three categories of monitor panels:-

1. TN

2. VA

3. Ips-type

But TN panel was the most widespread, offering fair image performance and high responsiveness at a adequate price.




Refresh rate is a estimate of how many times per second the Monitor redraws the image on the screen. It is Scaled  in Hertz, which is often abbreviated as "Hz." The refresh rate  is routinely bewildered  with the frame rate.
Now the question arises into the mind that what is FPS?

    FPS  stands for frams per second is the frequency(rate) at which back-to-back image called frames emerge on a display. The term applies to film cameras , computer graphics, and motion capture systems.
     Actually camera does not records a video but it actually clicks the pic of the scene in every second and then combine it to form a video..


* 60 HZ
* 90 HZ
* 120 HZ
* 144 HZ 
* 240 HZ


Basically it is used in high gaming purposes where a graphics card produces fps more than 60. In ordinary monitors refresh is 60 Hz but now suppose if you have a graphics card which is power to creates fps beyond 60 then your ordinary monitor is not capable to display that fps as it is only 60 Hz. For this purpose we use 120 Hz, 144 Hz, 240 Hz panel to see the fps change. All  Modern Game supports these refresh rates.


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